Your enrollment has been submitted!
Congratulations of taking the first steps in your aviation journey!
Keep an eye out for an invitation to join Flight Schedule Pro.
You will want to add flight schedule pro to your trusted email contacts so you can get lesson confirmations and scheduling updates.
An AVFS representative will call you when your enrollment has been processed to schedule your first lesson!
You can download all your textbooks under the following links!
All students are required to have an iPhone or iPad equipped with Foreflight.
Pilots handbook of aeronautical knowledge (PHAK)
Aeronautical charts user guide
Airman information manual (AIM)
Federal aviation regulations (FAR)
Private pilot airman certification standards (ACS)
Instrument flying handbook (IFH)
IFH errata sheet
IFH addendum
IFH addendum B
Instrument procedures handbook
Risk management handbook
Aviation weather handbook
Airman information manual (AIM)
Federal aviation regulations (FAR)
Instrument rating airman certification standards (ACS)
Pilots handbook of aeronautical knowledge (PHAK)
Aeronautical charts user guide
Airman information manual (AIM)
Federal aviation regulations (FAR)
Commercial pilot airman certification standards (ACS)
All Flight Instructor certificates are taught by Doug Auclair.
Doug reserves the right to decline flight instructor candidates for training at his discretion.
It is his policy that all initials are Certified flight instructor - airplane.
Initial CFI
You will require all the books from the commercial pilot certificate and the following.
Flight instructor practical test standards (PTS)
CFI-I (instrument instructor add on)
You will require all the books from the instrument rating and the following.
Flight instructor Instrument practical test standards (PTS)